Can't Find Plans For RUN

Beyond Yonder

6 Years
Feb 8, 2014
I have built my coop, but need the run. I see many photos with the 2x4's notched to a bottom plate but not sure how to go about this. How do you attach the hardware cloth together because I can only get 36" hardware cloth. Is it better to run the hardware cloth horizontally or vertically. My run will be about 7.5 by 17 feet. There has to be some free plans just for the run somewhere. Thank you Here is a photo of a run I love.............

This is my coop, so far and the run will be on the backside.

Also, if I leave the windows open at the end in Winter will that be too cold? They are a little higher than their roost, but I did put a lower ceiling over their roost section only to prevent drafts. Have two screen doors on the front that are open all the time in summer. I am new to chickens and my 12 chicks are almost 8 weeks old.

Like this? I can get you some better pics this evening if you want
Thanks . It's a work in progress, but it's been fun. Hopefully will get shutters built and rest of stain put on this weekend
Thank you and yes I would love to see more pics and how you constructed the run. It looks something like mine. Yea!!!!!!!!!!
You could search for plans to frame a shed, and then just modify them to whatever material you're using. With 3ft wide net, I'd place it vertically, with 3ft spacing between the vertical posts.

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