Can't get my muscovy's to go inside at night


8 Years
Feb 1, 2013
We have 4 muscovy and now that the days are a bit longer and the temp is mostly above freezing they are having to be herded inside at night. Last summer it was the same. Does anyone else have this problem? I worried that something will get them in the night or are they tougher than we think.
That is a bit of a head rush. I have raised muskies for years. Stubborn little buggers sometimes. I wwould try a teaser at nite or when you want them to come in. Figure out their favorite treat and show them, shake it around If they are in the water, leave it handy to shore. They usually have a path worn out where they travel most.. I would worry too about them. They are so quiet and not so graceful trying to get away from predators.
If you have a pond and they stay on the pond away from shore that is not so bad. But still try and coax them with food. Be persistant.
Thanks. you are so right about stubborn. They do have a tiny island but it is jumping distance from the shore. We'll try a trail of bread crumbs. We've upgraded the first duck house and now they're not using it. Perhaps we need a castle or something a bit more grand. I'll remain hopeful.
You are correct to be worried about them being out at night! Make sure that thier pen is predator proof....that is, lined inside with hardware cloth!

OK, serve all meals IN THE PEN. My ducks get a small meal in the morning before I open the door of the pen, and dinner in the pen at the SAME TIME each evening, 5:30PM. While they are eating I close the door for the night. They thrive on routine, and will stand in the pen at 5:30 waiting for their dinner. Dinner is never late.
Thanks. you are so right about stubborn. They do have a tiny island but it is jumping distance from the shore. We'll try a trail of bread crumbs. We've upgraded the first duck house and now they're not using it. Perhaps we need a castle or something a bit more grand. I'll remain hopeful.
How long ago did you change the house? I find that mine do not appreciate change, regardless of how small.
Very suspicious of anything different. We moved them into the garage for the winter and they were fine going in and out until the weather started to change. We did have a bit of an incident when we added a screen porch to the door but once they realized that it was safe they were going in again.
I guess we'll just have to be patient.
I'm curious if anyone else has this problem or is it just this group. One of my girls nests under the woodshed in summer. Last year we couldn't find her for 2 weeks while she brooded.
Mine wait until full dark to go in on their own sometimes but I usually put them up before then. I head count and provide nests for them so I don't have to deal with hens that decide to brood in an unsafe area.
OK, serve all meals IN THE PEN. My ducks get a small meal in the morning before I open the door of the pen, and dinner in the pen at the SAME TIME each evening, 5:30PM. While they are eating I close the door for the night. They thrive on routine, and will stand in the pen at 5:30 waiting for their dinner. Dinner is never late.

Once we get them out of the garage i'll try this. We feed them all in the AM but perhaps the ducks need a PM meal along with the dogs. Last year they wouldn't even leave the pond until dark. It must seem kinda funny, us running around chasing ducks in the dark. If only they were like the chickens, in bed at dusk without fail.
Where is the food? My food and all water is kept beside their mini barn which is enclosed by fence, when they are let out to forage, most times they come back long before dusk. Mind you i have always herded these guys and everyone who is either bought or hatched here learns this, i can take them from the farthest distances and they'll come in.

I leave food out all day, there is enough there to feed all of them, i think having it by the barn encourages them to be in that area, plus honestly, i had one duck decide she was annoyed by the snow this AM and stayed in awhile lol

It's true though they don't like change, i recently moved the one drake as his stall went to my broody and her brood lol he was displeased at his new arrangement but after a couple days he readjusted.

I usually bring mine into the penned before dark if they are loose/freeranging and put them in right before dark (in the barn) unless the weather is terrible then they'll go in even if daylight.
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Mine also come back to their run long before dusk, they just don't necessarily go into the house. I usually go out and close their little door from the run to the free range area once I see everyone inside.

Mine (ducks and chickens) get fed in the run, unless its raining or going to. I feed in the AM and leave feed out most of the day( I refill in the late afternoon and supplement with eggs, hard boiled or scrambled) but I have week olds to adults so no choice for the time being with leaving feed out.

As long as I go outside to a certain corner just outside the run with something in my hands, EVERYONE comes running. If they are off in the woods, I call "chick a lickins" (don't ask me why) and, this afternoon, I had juvenile muscovy flying out of the woods and chickens jogging in to find out what I had for them. I think a "special" call is important that way you can get everyone (hopefully) in if there is something going on or if you need to lock them up early.

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