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10 Years
Aug 14, 2010
Sorry if this has been mentioned already.... but last year I was able to sell my eggs to a local bakery, and now they won't take them. Neither will any of the other nearby bakeries. There 's a new rule against it - one place told me it was because of the risk of Salmonella. Salmonella? About 340 people - and of those, between zero and 25 were from contaminated eggs. So, homegrown eggs are the threat to our society? Wow.
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Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but last year I was able to sell my eggs to a local bakery, and now they won't take them. Neither will any of the other nearby bakeries. There 's a new rule against it - one place told me it was because of the risk of Salmonella. Salmonella? About 340 people - and of those, between zero and 25 were from contaminated eggs. So, homegrown eggs are the threat to our society? Wow.
I know, it's crazy. I'm surprised you could even sell last year!
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Here in MN, eggs for commercial use have to be from an "approved source". That means commercially produced eggs that have been pasturized. Personally, I think backyard eggs are far more safe, but what I think and what the regulations are, are two different things. At our little Bible Camp, we can't even cook fish in our commercial kitchen because the lake is not "an approved food source".
I think it depends on the place. There's a little bar a few towns over who loves to buy eggs from local chicken owners. The morning crowds just can't get enough. I've never checked any laws, so maybe it's still legal here. Then again, maybe they don't care? :idunno

You should post on Facebook you have eggs to sell, it's what I do.
Do you live in town or out? I know somebody IN town who puts a sign in her yard "eggs for sale, just knock!". :D
In my state you are required to take an egg candling class, and upon completion you can sell your backyard eggs at flea markets, farmers markets or right out of the backyard. Restaurants and grocery stores operate under different regulations. You should know these laws and regulations before you try to sell your eggs.
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Here in MN, eggs for commercial use have to be from an "approved source". That means commercially produced eggs that have been pasturized. Personally, I think backyard eggs are far more safe, but what I think and what the regulations are, are two different things. At our little Bible Camp, we can't even cook fish in our commercial kitchen because the lake is not "an approved food source".
Same here. I'm not in the restaurant business, but because I'm in charge of our sportsman's club's licensed kitchen I have to take a food safety course. Food needs to be purchased from a "reputable source". Same is true if you want to sell certain items at farmer's markets (pickles, etc).

If you want to sell to bakeries or restaurants maybe it's worth checking out your state's laws and regulations on how to go about doing so.

I thought what I had to say would sound bad...


so when I was little we were told "don't eat raw eggs from the store, they are likely contaminated with salmonella."
does this bakery not cook their egg products? :/

of course I also remember the year my parents were told by the grocery stores that they sold vegetables to that they couldn't take their fresh vegetables anymore because of some law that was passed. all "fresh" vegetables in the stores had to first be shipped out of province to a specific place to be processed before being shipped back. to make sure they were "safe" or something. seems ridiculous to me. But law is law. they'll get in trouble possibly shut down if they don't follow the rules. So... :confused:
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