Can't Stop Thinking About Chickens!

Welcome. A big walk in coop is a good start. Pretty sure it will be quickly filled with pretty chickens. So much to learn and discover about them. We started 4 years ago with a prefab coob and it did not take long till we got a walk in coop build. Very good advice to leave the prefab alone and go straight to a walk in.
We bought a 8x8 shed and modified it for the chickens.
Welcome to BYC! Nothing inspires me more than stories that involve kids getting to be around chickens and get some sense of where their food comes from and how cool it is to raise animals.

I’d have to agree with folks about making a coop rather than going prefab. Very little of the prefab stuff is rodent or predator proof. If you can swing building it yourself or having someone else do it for you, you will be much happier in the long run. Hardware cloth is the key, no gaps, ideally even under the coop about 10 inches underground. Hardware cloth is the real “chicken wire”. It keeps rats and everything else out!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Chickens are so much fun to keep! Sheds are so easy to convert, they allow you to stand up and will be plenty of room for a few birds. Never crowd chickens, they can turn on each other, even kill one another.

Make yourself at home here and ask as many questions as needed. Welcome to our community!
Hello All! I have been reading posts from BYC on Facebook for some time now. Love all the wonderful wisdom that is shared in the group. I don't have any chickens, not a coop or anything YET. Researching, learning, talking to folks. We have a small horse farm in TN with 3 horses and 5 cats. I garden a little. I have a young grand daughter, who, two years ago, interrupted me while I was in deep thought (probably watching Homestead Rescue), and said, "Grandma, when are WE gonna get chickens?" Since then, I have thought about it off and on. But I think it's time. I am shopping for a good used coop and run on Marketplace. I thought about starting with just 3 chickens. Wouldn't need a large coop and run. Except after reading so many posts about "chicken math," well, might as well start out big enough for expansion. I have a perfect spot picked out for the coop and run - right next to my garden so my chickens can eat the squash bugs that like to destroy my zucchini. Plenty of room for a nice sized coop and run. I just want eggs - for now. So I will only want hens. Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful info that is shared by experienced Chicken Tenders!
Welcome. I would recommend going with a used shed that you can convert to a coop pretty easily by adding ventilation above the roosting bars secured with hardware cloth, roosting bars and nesting boxes. Even with 3-pullets/hens, having secured space is always a good thing.

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