Can't Tell Them Apart- Buff Orphingtons and Red Stars


7 Years
May 21, 2012
Northern Kentucky
Hi. I wasn't sure which section to post this in, but without further ado:

I got 25 red stars and 15 that were a few of several different breeds. I have been able to (for the most part) pick out the Delewares, EEs, BRs, RIRs and white Leghorns. I can not, however, pick out the buff orphingtons from the 25 red stars. Can someone tell me what I can look for on my 2 BO's? It's just a curiosity thing but I feel like I'm trying to pick out a needle in a haystack!
Your orpingtons should have pinkish legs and sex links usually have yellow legs. That's not 100percent with hatchery stock but could give you a start. Depending on how old, the sex links' tails are lighter than the bodies, the orps should be a uniform color over the entire body.

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