Can't they all just get along????

I've never heard of taking chickens camping. Lol I can just imagine the campers gathering around to see them.

I've read on several sites that getting her body temperature down helps break a broody hen. After seeing video on YouTube, my daughter tried giving a couple of our hens a tummy soak in a tub of cool water. It worked like a charm for one hen, but the other went back to setting the next day. Going camping with them sounds more fun. :)
Thank you for another great (and reassuring) reply.
On another subject I've been wanting to mention, we take our girls with us when we go camping. They're a big hit at the campground, and believe it or not, it has broken two of them from being broody twice. Not sure if it's the change in location, the fact that they are away from their home coop, or maybe, like us, they just like camping! But it has definitely cut the cycle short. The first time we thought we were just lucky, but the second time it was obvious.
So if you're ever having broody problems, take em' camping.... just don't let them get to close to the campfire.
Your opening a entire different can of worms...........Chickens are not dogs.....They should be housed on one property and kept their....Camping???? Are you kidding?
Your birds are now being exposed to all bird viruses and diseases..Chickens are not able to protect themselves against a lot of these things...

You sound happy about taking them, but will you be happy killing them???
WOW! Well I didn't see that one coming, and while I really do appreciate you taking the time to reply, and value your opinion, I have to respectfully disagree with you. When we take them camping we set up a penned in area for them that we rake clean first, then dust with Garden and Poultry Dust. I honestly don't see how this is even as close to, or worse than a flock that is allowed to free range. Those chickens are exposed to whatever is in the air and on the ground wherever they go. Again, I do value your input, but would like to hear what others think, especially given the precautions we take. And BTW, the girls are NEVER left alone, and are totally protected at night from any and all predators.
I think taking your birds camping is an awful might be fun and you may be lucky and your birds don't get sick but why risk it.. I would hate for anything to happen to your feathery friends.

I feel like it's very different than free ranging, there is always risks of disease and death when raising poultry, why add to that risk by doing unnecessary things purely for your amusement , any risk is not worth it
The thing is, when birds free range on the same property they've lived their whole lives on, you have a fairly good idea of what they are exposed to.
When you take them someplace unfamiliar, you are exposing them to any number of unknown diseases and parasites. A different strain of coccidia than they are used to can kill them within 72 hours!
Not worth it.
Again, thanks to everyone for all the good info. I had no idea....
Guess we'll be rethinking vacation plans in the future.
You also have to keep in mind that migratory species are primary candidates for passing dangerous illnesses. Camp grounds are often near the routes of migratory species, like geese and other wild water fowl. Avian flu is a big one. And even the possibility of exposure can get your whole flock euthanized.

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