cat help?


8 Years
Feb 17, 2011
So, my 2nd cat, rosie showed up outside about a week after we moved to our new house and, because I love cats (and already have one so had plenty of kitty food), I fed her. And my mom was right, once I was feeding her, she was here for good. Which was more than fine with me.

So I put some flea medication on her and de-wormed her and even let her and my other kitten sniff around each other for a while outside (no hissing or anything!) The problem is, she has this big area on her back where her hair is alot shorter than the rest. People have seen it and said it could be an infection/bacteria thing. I don't know.
My aunt said we should put neosporin on the mangy part and not touch it (which I haven't I just scratch her head sometimes 'cause she's such a sweet heart). I think I'm going to use the neosporin on it since I don't think it could *harm* her, but i'm worried it might not really help either? Have any of you ever had this problem?

Thanks so much!!!
Have you taken Rosie to the vet? You should really get her spayed, vet checked, and vaccinated. If she hasn't been to the vet, she could be carrying diseases that your other kitten might catch.
alot of outside cats get ringworm, it could very well be this...or mange or anything! I wouldn't have the kitten around the stray cat until it was seen by a vet. She could get the kitten very sick, then you'll have more vet bills......
I would be careful touching her...make sure you wash your hands afterwards. if its ringworm or the bad type of mange she could even give it to you!!
I've taken stray dogs and cats into my home many times over the years. They always make a trip to the vet first.
Thanks so much. The only reason I haven't taken her to the vet is that we live in a rural area and the closest vet is probably a half-hour drive and I don't know how the cat would react. Even Sunday didn't like being in the car for the first time and she's the tamest cat I've ever owned (bottle fed from a week or so old) so I didn't want to possibly traumatize Rosie, but if it's necessary, I think I will take her to the vet this weekend. Thanks!

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