Cat killing a chicken?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Is it possible for a cat to kill a full grown bantum chicken?My father has chickens and he said a cat had got in and killed the chicken.We think weasel.What do you think?Also do possums kill chickens?
My cat kills bunnies,full grown bunnies, squirrels, birds and what ever else he can catch. He is a stalker in every sense of the word. We got him on January 1. He just showed up in our yard. We are not able to keep him because after he kills it he lines the kills up at every exit door leaving our home. His kills look worse than a horror movie. We are looking for a home for him. I can't deal with it
Possums do kill chickens. In a slow and horrific way, from the evidence. I wondered how a slow and dimwitted animal like that could catch a chicken when a determined kid frequently has troubles doing so, but the question is easily answered by going in your coop at midnight and grabbing a chicken. The fools are even slower and more dimwitted that an oppossum when its dark and they're half asleep. I think they wake about the time their abdominal cavity is empty when a possum grabs them.
We don't have bantams for that very reason---we have 7 cats. Also, opossums can and do kill chickens. They gut them---it's horrible. Experienced this the hard way---but we got the opossum:D
I have 5 cats & 4 of them would probably starve to death before they touched a live chicken. However, one of my cats is a "serial killer" of anything small enough for him to catch & torture.
He is one of the reasons my chickens are not allowed to free range.
I closed in my barn area to keep everything out at night. I get up everyday at 7 am to let them out to free range but the little chicken stay in because of a hawk loves those little baby chicks.


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