Cattle Names

Hey guys,
I recently got two 600ish pound steers to break to lead and show for 4-h, anyways ones a Charolais mix (White) and the other is an Angus mix with a white streak 5 inches above his eye and a spot of brown near his nose. So I was wondering what you would name them and include your own cattle names and photos if you like. :D
Ill start last years steers where Maverick and Shadow
Salt and Pepper....I raised registered Horn Herefords, I showed when I was in 4-H, also. Geraldine, Sweet One, Milly, Alfonso, Buford, Big Mama, Crooked Horn, Little Bit, Yahnne, Apple Heart, Kicks Bucket the herd kept growing (25 head)so I stopped naming. Good Luck with your steers at shows!:thumbsup

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