Caught a 6ft snake eating my chicken!

I once killed a snake that was in the chicken run, put it in front of them and not one of them was interested in eating it.

Chickens didn't come off a photocopier. Who knows?

Mine will absolutely DESTROY mice, too. and grasshoppers, of course - but they completely ignore butterflies. No explaining it. Mine don't pay attention to ants, either - I understand some chickens do eat them?
Having a soft spot for snakes, I’m bummed you killed him. But he was pretty rude to help himself to a chicken dinner without being invited.
I know I wdnt have if he wasn't in their run that was a yr ago. 3 days ago my husband killed a copperhead that had wandered into the chicken run. Im not a fan of copperheads I do worry because I don't want my dogs, chickens, husband or brotherinlaw getting bitten. By observation the copperheads ive encountered are not aggressive. But I suspect if stepped on will bite. I don't hate snakes, but do fear getting bit.
I decapitate the poisonous ones that don't run from me. More out of concern for myself than my birds. I routinely walk around the pasture in shorts, and if I wear shoes at all, they are usually cheap plastic sandals. The head gets buried. The rest is offered to the flock.

Law of my farm - everybody serves, everybody works. Oh, and "you eat my food, you get eaten". I'm very firm on that one.
Snakes stink. Literally. I hate the smell of them. At the same time I do think they are beautiful. But they don't belong in my hen house and I kill any I catch there. Only three so far, in 11 years.
I've moved down here from NY a yr a half ago, hoping never to encounter a snake. My neighbor said in the 25yrs living here he's never seen a copperhead!!! Last yr I've seen a nest of them under tree roots near the shed. 2 in our driveway and 1 in the chicken run! And last year blk snake in a tree, 1 in the back yard, 1 in the front yard. Too many snakes for my liking!!😵
I decapitate the poisonous ones that don't run from me. More out of concern for myself than my birds. I routinely walk around the pasture in shorts, and if I wear shoes at all, they are usually cheap plastic sandals. The head gets buried. The rest is offered to the flock.

Law of my farm - everybody serves, everybody works. Oh, and "you eat my food, you get eaten". I'm very firm on that one.
I agree for the venomous ones I bought a long snake grabber from Amazon and a nice machete. And so far we've grabbed n decapitated 3 copperheads.
I agree with the comments on venomous snakes. Like venomous spiders, they aren’t welcome in my little corner of the world.

But I was thrilled to have this neighbor visit my yard this summer.


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