Cayenne Pepper It Really Gets Those Hens Laying

While all of these posts mention adding the peppers to their feed, I've read briefly about adding the ground pepper to the water. I'm wanting to try this, especially for this cold winter, but looking for a ratio of pepper to water. Anyone know or have an idea?
Well this isn't what I was actually looking for when I searched for pepper flakes but very interesting. I was wondering if the hot pepper flakes would keep them from picking one of my bushes bald, so I see that it might attract them even more. I don't have a hen who lays thin shelled eggs so I will give this a try, does it change the flavor of the eggs?
If you are referring to pepper plants being picked bald, mine happily decimated y pepper plants last year until I blocked them off. Additional pepper flakes reducing that affinity? I would say not...
If you are looking at a spray made of hot pepper for other plants, right, that will not help with birds.

I actually add cayenne pepper to birdseed to keep the squirrels out of it. Very effective. No more squirrels...
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they are picking my roses, and jasmine bald. They even jump to reach the leaves, my poor roses are twigs with flowers, and they have taken to climbing the jasmine to eat what they can. They have plenty of appropriate food and grass to eat but they seem to want to drive me crazy.
they are picking my roses, and jasmine bald. They even jump to reach the leaves, my poor roses are twigs with flowers, and they have taken to climbing the jasmine to eat what they can. They have plenty of appropriate food and grass to eat but they seem to want to drive me crazy.

There are some systemic insecticides that are just so gross smelling (and probably tasting) that would probably keep the chickens from eating it. Systemic means that the chemicals go all through the plant's tissues so every part tastes funky. Maybe that would be enough to get the chickens to leave them alone. I'm not sure if they are so much toxic or just so bad tasting that the bugs stay off.
Have to say I hate the idea of systemic insecticides for chickens...that will wind up in my eggs most likely. And, it can't be good for the chickens. I am very protective of their immune systems...don't want them sick.

Good question tho, is there a spray that will keep chickens off, preferably a natural one? I rather doubt it...

I just blocked them out of my garden. In the winter they are allowed in. It is all a matter of proper husbandry IMHO.

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