Cayuga drake swollen abdomen

I'll be looking at all of my drakes tomorrow.
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Thanks y'all! I checked on him again today and the "bump" is still there. I haven't had a chance yet to chase him down and press it again today but will try as soon as I can.
Well I can't say my drake was happy with me today but I did feel down around the same area you said you felt something and i feel something too it's hard and not sure if it is a bone or maybe has something to do with his drakeness? lol What ever it is I am pretty sure it's normal. I didn't chase down any of my other drakes to check them. This guy I can walk up to and pick up. He is 3 yrs old.
A bump on the abdomen can be a cyst. We had a baggy looking duck who had a cyst on her oxidant. The vet felt the area and confirmed it was a cyst. She also had a temperature and so she was put on antibiotics. That bump could also be fat too. Ducks store it between their legs. If you find that your duck can't keep up with the others when you chase all of them as a flock then i would suggest trotting to the vet.

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