cayuga duck thread

Nope I don't have any ducks. I didn't think any if our neighbours did either. I will have my Hubby drive around and ask them tonight.

He is very friendly and doesn't seem bothered by the chickens. If we don't find his previous home he will have a new home with us. Hubby was planning to build a little hut to put a feeder in that we can lock at night to keep wild animals from eating it. He can sleep in there.
We didn't lock him up last night because my husband didn't have time to build a shelter for him and we didn't want to put him in with our chickens. He was still around this morning. I started a thread about him titled Who The Duck if anyone wants updates about him.
Hey everyone I am searching for a price range to sell my trio of cayugas. They're pictured in this thread, have blue, green and purple feathers and are 3 months old.
Do cayugas start with brown feathers like a rouen before they turn all black? I have a duckling that I was sold as a Rouen, but was told it is a cayuga, because it was all black, but now at almost 5 weeks the feathers that have come in look just like my Rouen's.
Do cayugas start with brown feathers like a rouen before they turn all black? I have a duckling that I was sold as a Rouen, but was told it is a cayuga, because it was all black, but now at almost 5 weeks the feathers that have come in look just like my Rouen's.
I don't know about Rouen's but I have 18 Cayuga ducklings that are almost 5 weeks old and they have been all black since day one.

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