cayuga duck thread

I have three pairs of cayuga ducks and I also have 19 ducklings from them but the duckling have a bit of yellow fluff on there chest does this mean they are cross-breds?

Here is my cayugas.
Here are my two at 13 weeks.



My hen also developed a tuft when she feathered out as you can plainly see. If I can't breed that out I will eat her and get another couple of hens, the same with my white ducks, can't stand the tuft. Ugly, ugly, ugly! :-( None of them had one till they feathered out.
How many Cauuga are needed for parent breeding stock? I'm picking up a male and 2 female ducklings tomorrow. I have 3 crested female, but I have no intention of hatching their eggs. They just needed a good home, been passed around a lot and I think they are cute in a goofball way. The Cayguas are to be my breeders, Should I pick up 1 extra female duckling? I don't want a large flock, just a small one.

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