cayuga duck thread

Speaking of voice sexing....I have what I believe are 5 cayuga ducklings that are around 4 weeks old (guessing..found them at the feed store in a bin in the back with no heat on clearance :/) Most of them are starting to molt. I noticed yesterday two of my ducks sound different. They are the largest ones. It is a strange almost quack but not quite and much quieter than the loud peeps from the others. I have listened to the soundclips online, and neither fits. Is it that these ducklings are in the process of voice changing and I just need to wait a few days?
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buff goose thanks for the feedback. They just need to hurry up and quack. Im impatient lol. I just gave them their daily bath. Two are doing a honk/quack. Two are still doing the loud peep (one is a larger duckling, and the other is the smallest) The last one is doing that quiet not quite quack but not a peep. I suppose I will see what tomorrow brings. In a perfect world I would get one drake out of the luck will be three lol.
Also the ones with more yellow on them as babies are most likely girls if the yellow is on the chest . If they have no yellow on them they could be a girl or boy still .

Plus usually my bigger ducklings end up being girls and the smaller ones boys .
okay i know this is the wrong thread, to ask this since im seeking to buy. But i dont have 20 posts and im looking to buy 2 more cayuga ducklings, i figured since this thread is about cayuga's it would be okay to ask if anyone had any ducklings for sale size does not matter but they have to be ducklings i have one duckling and i have to separate him from his ancona buddy since mr. ancona buddy is trying to jump out of the inside tote, he must be put outside.

if anyone has any available for sale please i would appreciate it. If this ticks alot of people off i apologize in advance. as i mentioned i know its the wrong thread i just figured a question wouldnt hurt.

plus im kind of panicking.... i only have one Cayuga i need more! Lol

Why do my ducks ruffle their feathers like this when we change their pool water? It makes me laugh..
Y'all I know y'all are gonna say that I did the right thing but i just killed a snake

I usually would have said good ridents but the first time I swung with the garden hoe I kissed and it didn't come after me or try to run away just sat there until I killed it

Also the same snake was sitting by my ducks best one day and didn't bite me or try to attack me

It was a water moccasin
I currently have one female Cayuga in my mixed flock (picture below) and she has turned out to be such a beauty and funny little girl that I have just ordered 18 more (15 females and 3 males). They are supposed to be shipped on the 11th and, because I am close to the hatchery, will/should arrive on the 12th. So, I have to get everything ready for them. Pictures will follow of course.

You can see my little black beauty above. We originally thought she was a male so her name was Daffy. Now it is Daffadillia. The new babies will make a total of 24 ducks. I also have 24 hens, 1 rooster, 3 Toulouse geese and 8 dogs.

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