cayuga duck thread

This is "dawn king"

We found out one of our Cayugas we got from the feed store that promised us he was a she, is in fact a drake :/ We were worried about our female to male ratio till our only Mallard flew away! (He flew away on the week we were gonna clip his wings). Anyways we are changing her name to Darth Duckie Vader lol

Just thought I'd share with my duck pals.
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Niw that's what I call ironic.

When it came time to get a duck, I was torn between calls and cayugas. I'm super happy I went with my call, but I still wonder what it might be like to own a cayuga. Are they social and friendly with humans? Do they have any special traits aside from their gorgeous color?
Niw that's what I call ironic.

When it came time to get a duck, I was torn between calls and cayugas. I'm super happy I went with my call, but I still wonder what it might be like to own a cayuga. Are they social and friendly with humans? Do they have any special traits aside from their gorgeous color?
I have 17 Cayugas and they really live up to their reputation. They are funny, sweet, full of energy and voracious foragers. The only thing that misses on their behavior is that they are not quiet like I had read. They chatter constantly. The females seem to be having a constant conversation and I have 14 females. My 3 males have very easy going non-competitive personalities. All of them are developing their adult feathers and they are going to be beautiful when finished. They are only 11 weeks old so they are just pretty right now knowing what they will become. The males have begun to develop a green sheen and they all have brilliant blue and green glow to their wing feathers.
I am thinking of getting two Ducks for breeding. One Cayuga and one Aylesbury. I have a few questions and any help/answers most welcome. Many thanks

1. Can these two types breed?

2. If Yes, what is the best way around. Female Cayuga and Male Aylesbury or Vice Versa

3. And finally, depending the answer to 2 above what type/colour ducklings can be expected.

Many thanks for replies
I am thinking of getting two Ducks for breeding. One Cayuga and one Aylesbury. I have a few questions and any help/answers most welcome. Many thanks

1. Can these two types breed?

2. If Yes, what is the best way around. Female Cayuga and Male Aylesbury or Vice Versa

3. And finally, depending the answer to 2 above what type/colour ducklings can be expected.

Many thanks for replies
Don't know why you would want to breed these two breeds but if you do get a male Cayuga and a female Aylesbury. The Aylesbury is a large duck and could harm the smaller Cayuga in mating. As to if they will mate. Drakes are not usually picky about who they mate with so you should have no problem, especially if she is the only one around for him. Offspring will be totally up in the air. I am not sure if the Cayuga black or the Aylesbury white will be the dominant gene but you could get a selection of all black and all white or spotted/mottled black and white. It is unlikely you will get a grey but may get a blue if there is a recessive blue gene in one of them. What ever you do be sure to post pictures of the outcome.
Also, before you start to breed ducks read the following article:
it opened my eyes to a lot of disturbing behavior on the part of my male ducks. Poultry sex is seldom pretty but duck sex takes the cake in terms of bad behavior on the part of the males. A group of males will get together, corner a female and gang rape her potentially injuring her and possibly killing her. All in the name of procreation. I am having serious reconsideration about breeding my ducks anyway and this article gave me some insight to what to expect. So, before you breed make sure you know what all is involved.

We found out one of our Cayugas we got from the feed store that promised us he was a she, is in fact a drake :/ We were worried about our female to male ratio till our only Mallard flew away! (He flew away on the week we were gonna clip his wings). Anyways we are changing her name to Darth Duckie Vader lol

Just thought I'd share with my duck pals.

The mallards will sometimes come back usually round the time you feed them . If he hadent come back yet he will eventually vecause of his moral compass that tells him where he was grown and raised .
I am thinking of getting two Ducks for breeding. One Cayuga and one Aylesbury. I have a few questions and any help/answers most welcome. Many thanks

1. Can these two types breed?

2. If Yes, what is the best way around. Female Cayuga and Male Aylesbury or Vice Versa

3. And finally, depending the answer to 2 above what type/colour ducklings can be expected.

Many thanks for replies

All ducks can breed and any combination can have fertil offspring since evrything but the Muscovy is mallard derived , ( if you mate any domesticated duck with a Muscovy it will be infertil )

Male Cayuga and female aylesbury , ( plus if you do get an always bury and are set on that breed most breeders strongly recommend that you only breed an aylesbury to another aylesbury since the breed is so endangered and rare .

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