cayuga duck thread

Okay, I guess I will look for some Pekin eggs, then. Thanks!

I won't sell you any eggs, and I don't know a thing about shipping them, but if you want them and are willing to pay the shipping and tell me how they should be wrapped, I will give you some eggs that will be mixed between Cayuga, Magpie, and Peking. You may get some pure breed's from the first two as we have a hen and drake of each. Here is a picture hatched a week ago yesterday.
I won't sell you any eggs, and I don't know a thing about shipping them, but if you want them and are willing to pay the shipping and tell me how they should be wrapped, I will give you some eggs that will be mixed between Cayuga, Magpie, and Peking. You may get some pure breed's from the first two as we have a hen and drake of each. Here is a picture hatched a week ago yesterday.

Thanks! :) But I don't know how to ship them either... I think we are just gonna use some of my duck's eggs (I dont have any Cayugas, sadly) My friend fell in love with Cayugas, which is why we wanted them. But, I guess we will have to wait until this spring... :(
Thanks! :) But I don't know how to ship them either... I think we are just gonna use some of my duck's eggs (I dont have any Cayugas, sadly) My friend fell in love with Cayugas, which is why we wanted them. But, I guess we will have to wait until this spring... :(

Murray McMurray still ships until the end of October. She can get them sexed and order the amount of drakes and ducks that way. Just make sure you watch the holidays so they don't get delayed more than normal. They should start laying May or June if she ordered them now.
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I sadly had to put down the largest of my three male Cayugas this morning. When I let them out he was totally not able to stand or raise his head. He just lay there flapping his wings trying to move. He was easily twice the size of the others (male or female) even though he was hatched at the same time. I have no idea what happened. I checked their coop and could not find anything that might have harmed him so, unless there was some fighting during the night that he lost I don't know.

I have had birds die before and have once had to put down a hen that was too ill to recover and it is not something that ever gets easier. Just a sad day around here. I hope it was nothing that the other birds can catch, I will have to keep a sharp eye.
Sounds like a diesase one of mine has right now who is being healed ( mine is a muscovy) she is being treatd with liquid penicillin, 1 cc a day and slowly she is getting better shes been sick since july usuaky it comes from wild water fowl or poor conditions mine came from a flock of mallards that all died out , it travels through physical interactions as well as orally.
We are having a necropsy done on Wednesday when we take our Shelty in for surgery. We want to make sure it is not something that can affect our other ducks. The Cayugas are planned to be a breeding flock but if there is something amiss we will have to forego that. Will post the findings as soon as we get them.

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