cayuga duck thread

i've never had a male cayuga only females if your not sure you could always do 1 male and 3 really depends on the drake on whether 2 girls would be ok or not i have 3 females to one male and this number works well no over mating or anything for me
Hi everyone, I'm new to the site and hope you don't mind me crashing this thread :D Cayugas are my favorite breed and I'll be getting 10 on the 22nd! I am very excited! I'll definitely post some photos when they arrive.
Hi everyone, I'm new to the site and hope you don't mind me crashing this thread
Cayugas are my favorite breed and I'll be getting 10 on the 22nd! I am very excited! I'll definitely post some photos when they arrive.
awesome! what gender? where from? cayuga are such great ducks. and please do post some pics when they arrive we would all love to see them!
^_^ I'm so thrilled to be talking to other duck enthusiasts!

My husband and I sold our house on no land with an HOA last year and bought a house on unrestricted land (nearly 9 acres!) so we can start a business selling duck eggs. We're starting with 50 birds: 40 white layers, and 10 cayugas (plus 4 french toulouse geese) all from Metzer. The Cayugas were a compromise since I love them,but our goal is egg I wanted some variety in the flock. The next batch will likely be welshes or golden layers to keep up with the variety of birds (who wants an all white flock? :p )

We've already got our LLC (Fowl-Mouthed Gardens, LLC) and I can't wait until they get here! If anyone reading this is interested in keeping up with what we're doing here, I've got a facebook page that i literally just published a few hours ago (there isn't anything on it yet). Feel free to "like" it :)

This is our first venture with ducks. Should be interesting! We're currently converting our large shed into a "duck fortress" lol

ETA-Kuro, love your user image! I have three bettas myself. I rescue them (usually get the dying ones free from pet stores), rehabilitate them, and rehome them, though it's on hold right now while we prep for the ducks. Right now i've got 3 boys (1 was a rescue, but he's extra gimpy and can't swim so i have no intentions of rehoming him)
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Always great to meet a new duck enthusiast here on the site!

As for bettas, they're one of my favorite animals. I used to breed them. I had some great quality copper halfmoon double-tails, and a black orchid line that wasn't as magnificent, but still great color. I miss my fishies but man, is it time-intensive raising a hundred tiny jars of betta fry!
Very cool! I've always wanted a crowntail orchid (sex doesn't matter) but that'll be a far off dream now, I'm sure. A soroity is also something I want someday, but again, not any time soon! My most recent rescue was a halfmoon copper. They sure are beautiful...i was going to keep him but he was on a mission to attack all my mystery snails :/

Have any of you grown plants for the ducks in your tanks? I've got a 55 gallon that I'm thinking about throwing some duckweed in.
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