cayuga duck thread


I can finally post as a duck parent! Our shipped ducklings arrived today. So impossibly cute, very loud, and already trying to jump out of the brooder. Need to address that asap! And hopefully some in the incubator will hatch this weekend! Pretty sure nothing else is getting done around here for a while.
Hi, Beautiful ducklings! I just got 3 Cayagu's from the feed store-just have a question for you. Do all the girls have yellow chests and the boys no yellow? Just curious as I have one with yellow, 1 with a tiny bit of yellow and 1 with no yellow-just kind of a tinge on the very edges of the down on chest. Thanks :)
I also just got 3 ducklings yesterday and I'm not sure of their gender or breed! My first guess was Swedish ducklings but they might be Cayuga's I'll show pictures later :) but what's with the yellow spot in their chest? It's like a faded yellow not a spot
They look just like mine and I believe they are Cayugas
Very cute-mine don't have a spot of yellow its more like a smudge lol (but only on two of them) One of mine is smaller than the other two-so I am hoping I get at least one girl.
Ok cool thanks :) I'm going to ask a few more people to see how many think Cayuga or Swedish :D I hope you do too!!!! I'm wishing on a star I got really really really lucky and all 3 are girls because I already have 2 drakes that are mating with my 2 geese so I need more ladies! :fl :fl :fl If I get more drakes I can't keep them ;(
Yeah good idea. All the Swedish ones I have seen have two different colors on their feet as babies-the Cayugas have just black legs and beaks.
Here is hoping we get the genders we are after!

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