cayuga duck thread

She is getting whiter and whiter. Does that probably mean she is older than they said?

This might help you
Here are my two Cayugas "Dandy & Mandy"
They are 8 years old, Mandy the female started turning white within one year. Dandy though is gleaming with his true Cayuga beauty of brilliant colors of green, black, and purple. Just happens to females only it appears, but no matter my Mandy is still gorgeous to me. Love them to no end:)
Hiya everybody! Hoping you can confirm something for me? We take in unwanted animals, and I picked up what I was told was a breeding pair of swedish blues. I'm pretty sure these are cayugas... whatcha think?

Sure looks like Cayuga to me, and cayugaducklady has them, too. My girl is kind of nonstandard - her feathers aren't in perfect condition yet - but she does have blue shimmers on her wing feathers.

Here are my two beautiful Cayuga boogus
They are 7 now, I got them from efowl as ducklings, they were such little boogers, awnry little ducklings and they still are. Their names are Dandy and Mandy, Mandy is sweet but Dandy has to rule the back yard he chases my bloodhound around putting him in his place daily,.. They are happy ducks and I love them to no end,..!!!
Here's our whole gang! Token (the drake) is all the way on the left,
Freya is in the tub, Daphne with the white speckles, Lexy in the back, and Roxy on the right :) @peepquack


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