cayuga duck thread

hi everyone these are my Cayuga ducks that are 4-5 months old. I bought the fertile eggs from the South Island and had them Courier posted up to the North Island New Zealand where they were hatched via my girl friends clucky chicken "Beryl" and yes all 6 hatched :)
What I'd like to know is do you agree with me that I have 2 drakes and 4 girls?
Also at what age do they start laying? (It's the start of Autumn here in New Zealand.)
I will post more photos of my babies who think I'm there mum because I talked to them and whistled while they were hatching
This is Edna and Elva my chickens who are the same age as my Cayuga's and when will they start laying to?
hi everyone these are my Cayuga ducks that are 4-5 months old. I bought the fertile eggs from the South Island and had them Courier posted up to the North Island New Zealand where they were hatched via my girl friends clucky chicken "Beryl" and yes all 6 hatched :)
What I'd like to know is do you agree with me that I have 2 drakes and 4 girls?
Also at what age do they start laying? (It's the start of Autumn here in New Zealand.)
I will post more photos of my babies who think I'm there mum because I talked to them and whistled while they were hatching
This is Edna and Elva my chickens who are the same age as my Cayuga's and when will they start laying to?
This is my first time of having ducks and chickens and they all free range with my cat and two dogs. All are very happy.
My Cayuga ducks think i'm there mother so i'm assuming there very open to who they hang out with or in there case identify
After we bought our first ducks and I really started learning about the different types of ducks I stumbled on cayuga ducks and instantly feel in love. So I ordered some in April and they arrived early yesterday morning. I'm pretty pumped to have these two.

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