cayuga duck thread

How are your Cayuga eggs going in your Incubator? I'm having to manually turn the trays because the eggs must be to heavy. I to have put a digital temperature and humidity reader in there because I was concerned about the inbuilt one.
Hos many Cayuga eggs did you manage to fit in yours and is it turning the eggs automatically?
My eggs will be 7 days today and yesterday I checked a few and there are veins happening :)
I'm very excited :)
What temperature and humidity do you keep yours at please??
I was wondering if you have bred your Cayuga with a Ancona what color of eggs do your mixed breed ducks lay? Do they still lay the black eggs or are they more white?
I am going to be getting some ancona ducks.
I currently have Cayugaa and one white layer.
I was wondering about the Egg color because I was thinking of letting my Ancona drake master with my Cayuga ducks.
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How are your Cayuga eggs going in your Incubator? I'm having to manually turn the trays because the eggs must be to heavy. I to have put a digital temperature and humidity reader in there because I was concerned about the inbuilt one.
Hos many Cayuga eggs did you manage to fit in yours and is it turning the eggs automatically?
My eggs will be 7 days today and yesterday I checked a few and there are veins happening :)
I'm very excited :)
What temperature and humidity do you keep yours at please??
I only have 15 in there right now, it fits 48. I keep the temp at 100f and I spritz the eggs twice a day. This is my first attempt, so we will see! So far though, everyone is developing nicely.
Sixteen weeks seems a little early for Cayugas.  My Runners all were laying at around 22 weeks, and they are a smaller breed.  The very first egg was at sixteen weeks, four days, but then the rest came on board over the next six weeks.

Thanks for the info! I guess I'm just hoping very much that I do get some eggs this year.
The babies are growing and at 17 days needed to be moved into a more spacious brooder. They are just beginning to get a few feathers in their tails and stand about 8 inches tall!
We are getting temps in the 40s and 50s at night so I didn't want to take them to the barn. The boys moved in a 2' x 6 ' water trough and with the light, feeder, bed and water, they are happily enjoying the bigger space.

Steps into the bed full of terry towels for snuggling and the feeder is a cat feeder....trying this to see how it works.

trimmed the lip off a one gallon waterer, set it up on a brick tile to make sure the water is deep enough for washing faces and beaks....then set that on a plastic storage box that I drilled 1/4 inch holes to allow the spilled water to drip thru and not dampen the wood shavings.

A few tail feathers trying to pop out...

In a couple of weeks they will fill their bed!

See how much we have GROWN!
So excited my Cayuga finally started laying her eggs!

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