Cayuga gender identity issues


In the Brooder
Oct 7, 2015
I have two Cayuga ducks about 5 1/2 months old. They were both supposed to be ladies, but about 6 weeks ago they started mating in their pond, so I assumed the dominant one was a drake. But today, he started quacking! A loud, clear quack just like hers (she has been quacking for months). I thought drakes didn’t quack like this? Now I am very confused. Is it more likely a drake with an exceptionally loud quack, or a duck who likes to get a little frisky with her girlfriend in the water?
What we see as mating starts as simply establishing dominance and submission. Drakes are over hens but in a full flock you also have ranking within genders. Pecking order if you will. So unless you have seen "his" penis (Yes ducks have parts not just a cloaca kiss) or have 1 curly sex feather I would say quacking revels you infact have 2 females.
I have two Cayuga ducks about 5 1/2 months old. They were both supposed to be ladies, but about 6 weeks ago they started mating in their pond, so I assumed the dominant one was a drake. But today, he started quacking! A loud, clear quack just like hers (she has been quacking for months). I thought drakes didn’t quack like this? Now I am very confused. Is it more likely a drake with an exceptionally loud quack, or a duck who likes to get a little frisky with her girlfriend in the water?

Ducks don't seem too particular about their sexual partners, especially when their pool has just been refilled. I've seen girl-on-girl, boy-on-girl, boy-on-boy, and once, an attempted girl-on-boy. (He kept telling her that he didn't think that's quite how it worked, and finally they both just took a bath. :lol: )

A loud clear Quack = female.

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