CCL x Isabelle Leghorn?


8 Years
Mar 16, 2014
I just set 19 eggs from a Cream Crested Legbar Rooster over Isabelle Leghorn hens.
What can I expect the chicks to look like?
What genetics are in play to make them so?
Will they be sex linked?

I got them for the blue egg color, so this is mostly for fun, but I like genetics in general and chickens seem extra fun/complicated!
No thoughts? :)
Perhaps if anyone knows the genes that go into making cream crested Legbar and/or Isabelle Leghorn coloring I can use the chicken predictor?
They're going to basically look like legbars, maybe a bit more comb. Males will be single barred.
This thread is 4 years old and the OP isn't active here any longer.

Are u trying to make an opal legbar the Isabelle leghorn was used to make the opal legbar because the person wanted a cream legbar with the lavender color she has discounted the project but she mad the Isabelle leghorn after making after generation so taht how Isabelle leghorn was made you can do research and read about opal legbar

And again your posts make no sense.

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