Cedar Shavings?

Chick named Lola

9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
In a pinch I had to get cedar instead of pine shavings, is this ok? It sure does make it smell nice! They also say it keeps away fleas/mites...It's waaaay more expensive but that's all they had and I was desperate!
Holy Crap!
It's been in there for several days now...Should I rake it out, I think I'd rather have a dirt floor than that.
Are the chickens adults? If so, it shouldn't be too big a problem if there is adequate ventilation. If they're chicks, that's a problem.

Cedar's aromatic oils can really be harmful to chicks, mostly because the chicks are in a smaller area where the fumes accumulate.
Actually this is an old debate on here. If your birds are outdoors and the coop is well ventilated and you only added some, you should be fine. There are those who have used only cedar for a long time, though I would think in a very airish setting. I've read of a few cases where brooder chicks got sick or even died, possibly from cedar, though.
This is the run that I put the shavings in...the pic was taken while we were still finishing the hardware cloth, corrugated metal roof etc...but you get the idea of how much ventilation they have. It's not totally 100% open with the fence right there... I do have sand in the smaller original small run that is inside the big run now...we just built it right over it.

August 9th they will be 1 year old. I'd rather be safe than sorry so I hauled myself up to get some pine shavings. I raked out almost every bit of cedar and replaced it with the pine. At least I won't have to worry. Too bad I picked a 106 degree day to do it........

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