

10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Langley, Washington
I have read over and over that cedar is not good for chickens. Why then do I see so many coops made out of cedar and/or with cedar shingles? Is it only cedar chips that are bad for them?
I was wondering about the cedar too.

I have two ceder logs holding up the roof to what will be the chicken run.
So can I have these logs/posts in the run or do I need to put the wire so that the logs/posts are outside the run so they get less contact?

so yeah whats the scoop on cedar.
Its the shaved ceder that's not good, there is an oil in it, but if you only use it in nest boxes ( helps with lice and mites ) your fine, but don't use it near chicks if they eat it they will die and slowly.
There's nothing wrong with using cedar in the building of a coop or in using cedar shavings.

Do a search on here for "cedar" and you'll find more that you want to read. Bottom-line: It don't hurt chicks or adults.

God Bless,

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