Celestial Pearl Danios

oooh. Thanks!
At one point, several years ago, I had lots of danios. After 3 months I gave away every single one, they were too dang nervous! A huge tank, plenty of hiding places, excellent care - but they darted back and forth non-stop. Made me tense rather than relaxed. We had 7 or 8 varieties.
They are a very shy species. If you want a calm fish, try getting a Comet Shubunkin.
I dunno 'bout "celestial" pearl danios, but yer plain-vanilla regular pearl danios are nice enough fish if you like danios. IME they are not nearly as bad as zebra danios that way, but they are not lawn furniture either. I would say that if zebra danios are a Jack Russell terrier, pearl danios are maybe some other less-hyper terrier

I like them but think they do best in a good-sized tank in good-sized schools with no "nip target" companions (no gouramis, male bettas, that kind of thing) and of course nothing so much bigger than them that they become snacks.

Back in the early 80's pet stores used to say you could keep them in a small 1 gallon tank like a betta or goldfish...
SO I got some, and I called them "Kamikaze" fish..
I would have to clean the tank every few days to once a week.. And I lost a few, as I would try to put them in a holding container and they would jump out.
Commit suicide basically.. after months of trying everything I could. I gave up.
Still call them Kamikaze fish!!!
What they said /\\ They are nervous, never still and need good cover like plants to dart into. They swim back and forth relentlessly and should have a good size tank and be in a school. Also a good fitting cover since they do like to jump. But they are pretty fish and nice swimming school is fun to watch.

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