Ceramic top or coil-type stove???? Help me pick a stove!!!! HELP!!!!

i suppose it depends on how much she cooks.. my husband and i love too cook ..he bakes breads and loves the griddle.. we went with a kitchen aid pro series stainless steel.. it is gas on top and convection electric on the bottom.. it will go to 100 degrees so you can proof yeast breads in it.. it has a built in stainless steel griddle down the center which we use all the time and 4 gas burners. two small ones in the front and two large ones in the back. we adore it..
As mentioned earlier, it depends on your use. We have a glass/ceramic top and it is useless for canning or heating large pots of water. One of the features is it tries to guess that you really don't want it on 100% and will turn down periodically. It is fairly easy to keep clean and the burners that do both small/large burner surface are helpful too.

We're going to gas as the earliest opportunity.
I would buy a gas stove if i had a choice again.
I have a ceramic top and i cant stand how it cooks... it takes FOREVER just to boil water.
But i do like the double oven it has... so...

But anyways..next stove for us is going to be gas.
Maybe she just needs a new gas stove.

I few years ago I had an old gas stove. It leaked, the knobs got hot and I could never tell what setting it was on. It was not kid safe and I always had to light the pilot. I hated that stove - but still loved cooking with gas.

I went to the store and told the salesman that I wanted this feature and that feature and so on and so forth and I would not settle for less!

Then, he told me that all those features became standard sometime in the 70s.

How embarrassing.

Anyway my point is, make sure it isn't some feature of the stove rather than gas itself that she really dislikes.

I just moved into a new house with a glass top range. It's pretty, easy to clean, but I just miss the control I had with gas. Its still better than those nasty uneven coils though. First chance I get - I'm having a gas line installed...
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I really really reallly dislike my ceramic top stove ....if you really like cooking its a hard stove to keep sparkaley clean and I find it doesnt cook evenly ...my next stove will be an electric and I am going to get an extra set of burner rings and dripping pans for when company comes over ......lol !
hmmm why did u post this thread
yes go with coil if u have too.

but i am looking for a gas stove my self the house we just bought[ closing this thursday or in a week] has glass electric. the rental house has the coil kind and it can be take out to clean the pans.

we has natural gas pipe on the road in front of the house and it has a gas fireplace.
we are having problems trying to find a gas stove for us all of what we seem has an
Electronic Ignition which would need electric to start the burner or stove. so when the power go out u still cannot used the stoves rats
I really appreciate all the replies. I'll try to cover all of them with some short general responses.

Canning... we don't do any, though I've entertained the thought for several years...

Cast iron... I love to cook omlets, sausage, eggs, what-have-you in cast iron. My wife likes it too, but shys away from CI due to the weight of it and her hand-strength. Cast iron and a glass top scares me. Currently we have two CI frying pans hanging on the wall above the stove...those would have to go somewhere else if we opted for a glass top.

Gas stoves and loss of power... Yes, our current stove's burners can be lit with a match, though I'm not sure about the oven (though it probably can be, too).

Cleaning... It seems a big issue is keeping the burner area clean.

I'll stop there...I'm trying not to insert too much of my sentiment here....

Keep the feedback coming!!!
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My Mil has a ceramic top and the element or some part went out on it
. It was over $200 to replace, where as a coil type can be picked up for less than $20 at any home improvement store. I have gas and I love it. Other than it is a pain to keep the top clean and looking nice.
i just realize some you are down south. in summer time it would be cheaper to run gas less time to heat the food up /cool off the kitchen afterwardsif u run AC. how often do u lose power down there?

if u go with electric
coil >cheaper to replace parts
can put cover over the unused burner to keep it clean

glass top> have be careful placing thing on top chances of drop a pan down hard if fill of sauces/water
weak hands or wrist

cleaning > stop over flowing pans cover the empty burner,cook on low heat i cook alot with covers

gas for me
I've had them all but wanted to try out the flat ceramic top the last time we bought a stove ......

I hate it !
The printed design around the burners bubbled so it always like it needs to be cleaned to me.
Easy to scratch the surface and that printed design too.
-not a fan of this stove.

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