Change in Behavior.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
I've only got two hens (a Black Australorp and a Barred Rock) who are currently free ranging my yard. They typically do this all day long and enjoy it. They are around 10 months of age.

For the last two days, my Australorp has started circling my house cackling like she is angry. Every time I go out to make sure she's okay, she shuts up and runs to me. No matter where I am in the house, she finds me and stares at me through the window while grunting and clucking?? The only thing that seems to soothe her is me, when I'm outside. But I've got house work. I can't be out there right now. Why is she being so needy? She's never done this before. It's very out of character for her to wonder off alone and circle the house to look for me.

There is food and water so it's not like a need isn't being met.


I should add that she doesn't have access to re-enter her coop? But if that's the problem, it's never bothered her before.
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Here's a little update for anyone who is interested... My Australorp is now broody. I stuck her in the coop to give myself some peace and when I went to go check on her later, she puffed up and growled. She's sticking to the nesting box like glue so... I suppose she wants babies. Lucky for her, this I'm getting some in a couple weeks.
Awww what a cute story. Glad you figured out what was happening with her. I guess she was trying to tell you! Are you going to let her sit on eggs? Or just surprise her with the babies? How many babies are you getting?
Awww what a cute story. Glad you figured out what was happening with her. I guess she was trying to tell you! Are you going to let her sit on eggs? Or just surprise her with the babies? How many babies are you getting?
No eggs. Just babies! I might stick some golf balls under her to give her the whole experience since I usually take her eggs and I don't own a rooster. I feel like that would give her something fulfilling to do while she waited. And I ordered five little ones! My flock is currently a sad little head count of two and I thought it might do them some good to have a stronger number. I go pick up the babies early April! So it'll be a great surprise for her. I'm hoping the other one goes broody too so I can divide the chicks up and give them both a chance to be mothers.
Why don't they have access to the coop, where do they lay?
They lay in the coop. Currently our coop design is a little... Crappy. So we are renovating it to make room for some new flock additions its been blocked off.

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