Changing the bedding


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2015
hello! I got cute baby chicks a few days ago and I was wondering how to chance the bedding. I changed it once but it took much longer than i expected. Then i added more bedding Ingrid in top 2 days later. If you could tell me how you change your bedding I would highly appreciate it! Thanks so much!!

I'm new to this, but did some research and learned that paper towels was great bedding for the first couple of weeks. It's worked like a charm for me, as clean-up is simple and quick. I've also been told that after a couple of weeks to use sand. This acts as chick-grit and for clean-up, you just use a kitty litter scooper and scoop out the poop! Simple and easy! Have fun.
I have 8 five days old chicks. I use newspaper on the bottom. Paper towels on that and some pine chips on top.
Easy to clean up.

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