Charcoal or gas?


RIP 1938-2020
Jul 6, 2010
Figure I'll start a debate. I prefer gas since we grill about all winter even if I have to shovel out a path to the grill. I can remember the times we used charcoal: it would take forever to ignite, everybody would be mad because they were hungry so you'd try grilling on the just started stuff and the food would taste like petroleum, then, by the time the coals were really good, you'd douse it. Now I just turn on the gas, push a button and toss on the meat. AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Spot on! Also try the same in a hot smoker with a bowl of water and herbs over the coals. Gas cooking doesn't give such good results and it's dangerous too.
Can't need a permit to start an open wood fire.

I think that poster meant what I said - hickory or mesquite wood chips. Great for slow smokin ribs and a whole chicken.
Ken does all the grilling here. I am just waiting for a time when he doesn't really want to do it, so I can show off my skills. On the other hand, do I REALLY want to tip my hat?

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