Charlotte the ducks mom

Hi we’ve been researching and can’t seem to find answers to why it’s taking so long for Charlotte to stop molting and laying again.
If you find that answer, let me know, as I've had one silky hen that's going on 6 months! I just figure it's Mother Nature slapping her hard. :idunno

Higher protein is recommended so I do scrambled eggs for them bi-weekly and sneak her a few mealworms once in a while.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Aww....she is SO adorable!! ❤ I have had both chickens and parrots molt, molt again, even partially molt a 3rd time in a row in the fall. It's hard to tell they are actually molting more than once. I read that some birds get stuck in the molt, for what ever reason the Molting hormones aren't shutting off. All my birds that have done this never had any illness attached to this molt, and eventually do stop molting however once this happened to a particular bird, it continued to happen each fall. :idunno I supplement with extra animal proteins to these birds.

Enjoy your baby!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Aww....she is SO adorable!! ❤ I have had both chickens and parrots molt, molt again, even partially molt a 3rd time in a row in the fall. It's hard to tell they are actually molting more than once. I read that some birds get stuck in the molt, for what ever reason the Molting hormones aren't shutting off. All my birds that have done this never had any illness attached to this molt, and eventually do stop molting however once this happened to a particular bird, it continued to happen each fall. :idunno I supplement with extra animal proteins to these birds.

Enjoy your baby!
Oh boy ! Hopefully you’re right and not an illness , but also dread the thought of this yearly ! We will need to invest in body armor 😩
I just read what @TwoCrows said and maybe she's in like her third back-to-back molt and I just thought it was all one. :idunno

Oh boy ! Hopefully you’re right and not an illness , but also dread the thought of this yearly ! We will need to invest in body armor 😩
Age can be a contributing factor along with breed. Age and high production both are draining on the birds body and this leads to slower molts and hormone malfunction with repeated molting. I think it's somewhat common.
Welcome to BYC. I have a rooster who has been molting for about that long. This is his second molt. He grows feathers back in one spot and loses them in another. I feed him sardines once a week (because he is special) and an egg about every 3 to 4 days. I've had hens do this too. As long as you aren't seeing any other signs of illness I think she should be fine.

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