Cheat Sheet

Roo on Harley

8 Years
May 25, 2011
Post your Cheat Sheet for this section if you have one

I kinda wanted to see how this would go over in this section first, since you have to have an egg before the chicken.
A cheat sheet for each section would be nice to compile the notes many of you have researched and tested, etc. as best methods.
I didn't want to do alot of cross posting on the same thing so if somebody wants to run with it in another section, go for it.
I originally posted about this in BYC Forum Announcements Section
Seems to me this sort of thing is already well covered by the sticky notes in each area and the FAQs, not to mention the BYC Learning Center.
Ooh, had more thoughts- several members have BYC pages that are really great- Gritsar has a good one on subduing punky roosters, and sonew123 has a really good one on incubating and hatching eggs.
The sticky for this forum covers several aspects of incubation. Personally, I've never used an incubator, so I'm not really in a position to know what else would be useful. Perhaps you could suggest a specific area?

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