check my site out!

Cute! Don't forget to add a link to the BYC website. That's required if you have a website in your signature line.
What I did was I went to the BYC home page and copied the "my pet makes me breakfast" thing onto my computer. I then just inserted the image onto my site and linked it to BYC. I don't know anything about the free webs (I think that's what you're using) so sorry I can't halp you any further.

I know there's a bunch of people on here that know about websites and all. I've been having trouble with mine for the past 3 days.

I'm only on here while I wait and wait and wait for my site to update.
I just love the picture of the young Dominique roo. He looks like a young version of my Lt. Colonel Bok Bok.

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