Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hi, just checking in! I've been trying all Spring (not that we've had much of one in the UK) to grow separate areas of greenery for my girls and two boys and to try and develop rotational patches for them but have been fighting off the starlings, crows and pigeons who are seeing the benefits of the seeds and seedlings! My 20 birds have a good amount of room but I would so like them to have more greenery to forage on. We tried keeping them in our paddock with the llama and alpacas but they kept getting taken out by foxes (the llama was useless, I'm afraid). I feed them greens from the veggie gardens but it would be nice to get them foraging themselves. At least they benefit from plenty of protein from the numerous compost piles I have in their runs.
hasn't it been wet here! The forecasters keep promising it'll warm up and dry up a bit, but I'm still waiting too! Whereabouts in the UK are you?
btw, did you know there's a UK thread? it's here
Yikes...I am glad some survived the dog attack. Was it your dog?

No, unfortunately I have no clue whose dog it was. There was some vineyard workers across the street from us both days the dog was present , so I’m thinking it could’ve been theirs??

We have three dogs that are around the chickens all the time, which I think had their guard down.. poor girls.
Hello. We are all good here in Kent UK. I love my girlies. They all have different personalities. I let them roam the garden but they poop everywhere as you all know. Thinking of giving them a part of the garden just for them so we can have some poop free bbq’s once the sun eventually arrives. I have a Nestera coop and they all insist on laying in the one side. Any hints to get them to use the other next box be good. Have a fun day everyone
Hi Donna :frow I have Nestera coops too and that used to be an issue, but now they spread about more. I think a broody hen swearing at anyone who comes in is quite the deterrent, but failing that, I found fake eggs in the other nest box(es) - golf balls will do nicely - helps.

That sun will be very welcome when it finally does put in an appearance :lol: I imagine you'll see more of it in Kent than we will in Wales!
All is well in sunny California, my little Bantum has decided to transition to a rooster and wakes at the crack of dawn with her tiny cockadoodledoos :)
Well, could be worse. Could be randomly all night. One of mine did that. The punk. I paid a lot of egg bribes to keep my neighbors happy with that guy :)
Hi, it's been growing great! Have 7 American Bresse hens, 5 in the brooder at a month old, 1 naughty Rooster in time out cage. Have 7 egg layers (3 Australorps, 2 Lavender Orpingtons, 1 Buff Orpington, c1 Easter Egger) and 6 chick's (2 EE'S, 2 Leghorns, 2 chocolate Orpingtons). Our freezer is full of excess/naughty roosters). We get 10 eggs a day between the 14 laying hens, my egg sales are picking back up. Our cup runneth over!
Thanks for popping in and letting us know! It sounds awesome!

Excess naughty roosters filling the freezer! If only they knew before they get hormones that only the sweet ones survive! ❤️
Hi. We don’t have chickens anymore. We had chickens for ten years. The size of our flock gradually dwindled from ten birds because of sickness and predators until we finally only had a single bird. We gave her away to an animal rescue.
Sometimes that happens. If you need a chicken fix, BYC is a great place to hang out, Even if you no longer have a flock.
Hey everyone, it's been awhile since we checked in. We lost some girls to hawks, so the group no longer free roams. The hawk problem appears to have been solved by this as well as adding some Ayam Cemani hens/rooster. As of now we have 7 girls and our Ayam Cemani rooster and things are pretty stable!
Hiya, Seth and Vanessa!

So sorry about your loss. It sounds like you're doing great now though!! Good luck!!

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