Cheek issue - canker?


Apr 22, 2019
Oldest girl (8 years) in the coop had this pop up in the past few days. Abscess is firm to the touch.

Doesn't seem respiratory, nostrils do not have discharge. Color is very odd. Canker? There is none of the yellow "cheese" like stuff in her mouth though.

Or just an injury? Tumor? Something else?

12 other birds currently, no issues.


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Is there a bad odor from this lesion? I would be suspicious of a possible cancer or tumor, since there doesn’t seem to be any yellow material inside the beak. Can you scape a little of the scab, and see if there is pus inside? A feather cyst might also be possible. I would look again inside the beak and on the tongue just in case. I would watch for any increase in size. Please let us know how this turns out.
I did not detect a foul smell, but I also did not stick my face super close. I will scrape some of what looks like a scab for the presence of pus. What would I be looking for one way or another in her beak and tongue? Her tongue looked fine other than being pushed to the other side of her mouth because of how big this lesion is.

thank you.
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I did speak to a vet (she was not able to see the bird directly), but from pictures it appeared to her to be a wound from an attack of some type. Considering nothing has access to the chickens except themselves, it is possible she was pecked I guess... her recommendation was to clean the wound site with hydrogen peroxide.

The color and other indications did not appear to be canker, or a disease as there was nothing going on in her mouth. It seems to be pussing from the outside.

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