Cheeping egg, no pip. Is the shell to thick?


This Is An Illusion
Mar 27, 2021
I have a Maran egg that is in my incubator right now. We had lost track of the days before lockdown, but today when we checked it, the chick was cheeping inside the egg and we can feel it moving, but it hasn't pipped. We just had a chick die inside the egg, although we are not sure why. The hen that laid this egg lays fairly thick-shelled eggs. Is it possible for egg shells to be too thick?
It can peep before it pips the shell. It probably pipped internally and will hatch tomorrow. I have a peeping egg in my incubator that hasn't pipped too.
It would be rare for a shell to be too hard for a chick the pip through.

Your chick has internally pipped. It can take 24 hours to externally pip. Then another 24 hour from external pip to zip (hatch). Don’t interfere, without good reason, sooner than that.
I've always had trouble with Marans eggs; over half have died in the shell having internally popped but never breached the shell itself. I give them 8 hours of cheeping before I make a safety hole just inside the air sac above where it meets the occupied portion of the egg. At that point, I also bump the humidity as high as I can to avoid drying out the membrane.

Since I've started doing that, my Marans success rate is about 75% of the eggs that have made it to internal pipping .
we just had a dominant Maran-bared rock egg that wouldn't breach the air cell and died. I hope that this one does better. I am already attached to it.
If anyone is still following, I have a ee roo and ee/Jersey hen. She was sitting 5 of her green eggs and 4 brown eggs from flock in the spring. Simultaneously I incubated 4 more of her green eggs and a couple browns from the flock. None of the green eggs hatched. After waiting way too long I wanted to know so I checked the incubator eggs and found 4 fully developed deceased chicks. With feathers even. The rooster since gave his life protecting the flock so I and incubating her green eggs again with hopes to get the her and the Roosters chicks. I put 8 in incubator. Candled today, day 11 and 4 look great, 2 ring of death and 2 no development. I would love for the remaining 4 to hatch. I suspect it was shell hardness why all 9 eggs didnt make it in the spring. My husband has dropped her eggs and had them not even Crack. Any advise for me this 2nd half of incubation and on hatch days?

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