Chick - Assisted Hatch - Problem with vent area (not navel) - Green goop


In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2020
I have just finished assisting a chick to hatch and I'm concerned about the area around its vent. It looks dark and each side is swollen. It also had green looking goop just below its vent (as if it had pooped).

Can someone please tell me what the problem could be, and more importantly, what I can do to help this chick?

I will upload photos but its taking a while to transfer them onto the computer.
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Here is the green goop



  • IMG_3629.JPG
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Nothing smells bad, not even the yolk bit that hasn't been absorbed - it is bright yellow and doesn't seem to be yucky.

Why is it dark on either side? What is causing this?
Is there anything I need to be doing?

The chick is just sleeping in a cup at the moment. I kept the shell on the chick in the bottom of the cup, but the chick has since pushed itself up and out of the shell on its own (I have the cup on an angle because the chick has trouble keeping its head up and would end up hunched over).

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