Chick Assortment- What Breeds Do I Have? (Lots of Pics)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
I recently got 27 chicks from the "Rainbow Layer" assortment that Murray Mcmurray hatchery offers. I was thrilled with them! They all came healthy and cheeping. I realize that at this age it is sometimes hard to tell the breed, but I am too excited to wait! I'm new at this, but from what I can tell, I have at least 7 colors/breeds.
Here is a pic of most of them together:

Obviously the ones with the naked necks are turkens, that one is easy.
Here's another:

She was sleeping when I took that one lol.

This black and white one may be a cochin I think. It's hard to tell from the picture, but she/he has feathered legs. I think this one was the extra free chick.

An above view of one of the buff chicks and one of the chipmunk colored chicks.

I think this one may be an Americana but I am not sure.

A white/yellow one.

There are several like this: mostly black with a little white and a spot on the top of their heads. I think these may be Barred Rocks.
Let me know what you guys think! I can also post more pics if needed.
I would give them all about 5 to 6 weeks to tell for sure, way to young to guess right now,
Any of them with the tufted cheeks and beards are easter eggers. Other than that, you'll have to wait! Do you have a list of what could have been in the assortment?
What fun! I absolutely love purchasing chicks from the feed store(I have yet to order an assortment off the web) & guessing what breeds they are. :)

I'll try my guesses. (I'm looking through the McMurray catalog to be more accurate) :)

Photo 1 (starting at the 1st individual chick photo): Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire Red, or Red Star
Photo2: Brown Leghorn, EE, or Welsummer What type of comb does she have?
Photo 3: Same guess as photo 2.
Photo 4: Light Brahma, Black Cochin, Black Langshan What type of comb does she have?
Photo 6: EE Does she have fluffy cheeks?
Photo 7: White Leghorn, White Rock, White Wyandotte What type of comb does she have?
Photo 8: White Giant, Dominique, Cuckoo Maran, Barred Rock What type of comb does she have? Sorry I keep asking that, but it's a major hint as to what kind of breeds your chicks are. :)

I really hope this helps!! And please keep us updated! :)
There is a list of the breeds they could be on the Murray McMurray website, so that helps. And I will probably post more pics in 5-6 weeks. Maybe then we will be able to figure it out. And I'm not sure about the combs. I think they are all single combs, but they're really small right now.

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