Chick bedding question

Pollo Posada

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Mount Airy, MD
Can I use cedar shavings/bedding for chicks? I have a huge bag leftover from the rabbit days.

Are there any adverse affects on chicks? I haven't read anything about use cedar bedding at all.

That's because cedar is poisonous to chickens.Pine wood shavings are best.Put paper towel down over top for the first couple days till they know what's food and what's not.
Whoa, Thanks! Glad I asked!!! I had them in for about 5 minutes. I ran screaming through the house. My husband was like "what is happening". I was screaming - I AM KILLING MY CHICKS!

I hope 5 minutes will not do major damage! They seem ok...

5 min is fine. Never use cedar, only pine. If you need bedding for chicks, you can use paper towels, rubber shelf liner, towels, sand, or just use chick starter, Thats what I do.

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