Chick born with neurological problems, what is this!?


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I've got a chick that hatched and can not walk or lift his head. He appears to be having convulsions now where his whole body or part of it shakes violently. His head always wants to be tucked under him or at an odd angle. He is very weak. Hatched 2 days later than the other chicks, assisted hatch since his egg tooth was not pointy. I am worried he has a disease my other chicks can catch!!

I live in northern LP of Michigan and have had no new introductions to my flock since new chicks in January. This egg was from my original chickens.

I had another hatch with MS symptoms but he did get better. This one is REALLY bad. He's already with 3 other healthy chicks. Can they catch this from him?

He also pooped out a large volume of nasty green brown goop after he hatched. It's a dark greenish brown.slimy and very sticky. Currently has foamy white poop on his vent.


Please and thank you!
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The only thing I can suggest is adding a vitamin supplement to the water. Sometimes deficiencies can cause neurological symptoms.

I hope it clears up with no trouble for you.

If you have an eye dropper or small syringe (without the needle), you can drop some sugar/vitamin water in his beak, and he should swallow some. Hopefully, that will perk him up.

If he perks up, try offering him some raw yolk. :)

If you have an eye dropper or small syringe (without the needle), you can drop some sugar/vitamin water in his beak, and he should swallow some. Hopefully, that will perk him up.

If he perks up, try offering him some raw yolk. :)

OK I did this and filled his crop with save-a-chick water. I had to gesitmate the amount but I put in just enough to turn the bowl of water orange. Hopefully that will help him. The other chicks keep walking on him so I put him in a pie pan with paper towels and it helps a little
Keep us posted.

been giving the yolk and water mixed. He's eating it. But I think somehow he must have gotten right under the lamp and not moved because the outside of one of his feet it twice it's normal size and very red and swollen. Looks like he must have got a burn there, and also a bright red spot on his wing where the fathers are matted.

Will he lose his foot now? If he makes it anyway.

He seems a little stronger. Still struggling to move but he can go around OK on per towels so I put those on the floor of the broader and let him lose since he was flopping out of his pie pan
I just want to say thank you for the yolk info. I also am having this problem with one. Hopefully when I get home I'll feed it some yolk and it'll feel better. Good luck with the little one!! Your chicks are so cute

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