I've got a chick that hatched and can not walk or lift his head. He appears to be having convulsions now where his whole body or part of it shakes violently. His head always wants to be tucked under him or at an odd angle. He is very weak. Hatched 2 days later than the other chicks, assisted hatch since his egg tooth was not pointy. I am worried he has a disease my other chicks can catch!!
I live in northern LP of Michigan and have had no new introductions to my flock since new chicks in January. This egg was from my original chickens.
I had another hatch with MS symptoms but he did get better. This one is REALLY bad. He's already with 3 other healthy chicks. Can they catch this from him?
He also pooped out a large volume of nasty green brown goop after he hatched. It's a dark greenish brown.slimy and very sticky. Currently has foamy white poop on his vent.
Please and thank you!
I live in northern LP of Michigan and have had no new introductions to my flock since new chicks in January. This egg was from my original chickens.
I had another hatch with MS symptoms but he did get better. This one is REALLY bad. He's already with 3 other healthy chicks. Can they catch this from him?
He also pooped out a large volume of nasty green brown goop after he hatched. It's a dark greenish brown.slimy and very sticky. Currently has foamy white poop on his vent.
Please and thank you!
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