Chick chasing pullet?


6 Years
Oct 12, 2017
High Desert, S. CA.
I have 5 pullets. One is a 20 week old Silkie. I introduced my mottled bantam Cochin babies (two of them) gradually to the others, through a fence for a few weeks, then cut a hole in the fence. The babies have their own coop. The little Cochins are 12 weeks old now. One of the pullets will chase them for a short distance, but doesn't try to maul them or anything. The other day, I saw that one of the 12 week olds was chasing my Silkie! And the Silkie was running. Is this normal? Does this mean the chick will grow up to be a bully? It's still happening. I know it takes a while for the pecking order to get established, but this has been going on for almost a week. I cover up the hole when I can't supervise. What would you do about this situation?

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