chick distress


7 Years
Jan 8, 2013
Hi, Have a week old Silkie in obvious distress.
Crying, beathing through it's mouth and I can feel a crumble stuck in it's throat.
Any ideas how to help???????
Thank you
I don't know for sure, but if it is a food crumble the chickens mouth moisture should soften it up and it will work its way down, I would want to say maybe put a drop or two of water in her mouth...but I would hate to make matters worse :mad: good luck!
If you had an aspirator , I would try that route..suck it out, or at least move it up into it's mouth
Thank you all for your help.
She is better, just watching her close and ground the chick starter..............
Glad she is better. She should grow into the crumbles soon, but you can wet them in the meantime as long as they are fresh every day. Banties sometimes have trouble with size of the crumble, but adjust very soon.
Oh thank goodness! I didn't want to dream tonight about a lil baby chick choking! Hope she stays better :)

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