Chick feeder - No waste

Thanks all, one full week with this modified feeder and not one food pile on the floor yet. I'll have another batch (15 brahmas) this week so I'll repost if there are and issues with newly hatched chicks.
Hmm.... looks good!

I put mine on top of a shallow box covered with 1/2" HC, anything that gets spilled gets put back in the feeder.
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Is it ok to remove the feed and make them eat what they have scratched out?
In fact, I consider this the way to go. They learn fast to scratch this way, and if you are raising mama-less, this is our responsibility to teach them. Nothing wasted around here; in fact, I throw a few hands-full into their bedding every time I open the top, anyway.

OK, thank you, I don't feel as guilty now. My 3.5 weekers were going through a LOT of feed. Got a bigger feeder. 2 lbs. 2 lbs is out of the feeder and all over their coop today! There's only 6 of them! They'll get there feeder back when there isn't an inch of feed on their floor! UGH!
I just got my eggs yesterday:) I made a homemade feeder out of a Hagen Dazs ice cream tin. Here is a picture:
Could I do the same thing in this feeder for my ducklings?
the hardware cloth over the metal chick feeder is such a simple yet ingenious idea! very creative
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