Chick feeder - No waste

It works for all chick ages, just get a larger container and cut larger holes in it as they grow.

My chicks are 6-8 weeks old on the picture above (Post #19)

At 2.5+ months, we moved them to the same feeder style, but made from 5 gal buckets. I love it, they love it, no waste, and no poop in the feed.
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Quote: Oh good idea!
I made one, inspired by yours-but adding a funnel aspect, and used a block of wood so they wouldn't tip it over and so it was a bit higher.
I wouldn't say it was no waste but better than other chick feeders I had.
Used a quart yogurt container, love the clear top to tell when it needs refilling.

@Tatiana110___ This is FANTASTIC!!!
Thank you for sharing as Im getting some hatchlings soon ;-)
What do you use for waterers for these little ones?
I put my chick feeder on top of an old dinner plate. The plate keeps the pine shavings and poop from being kicked into the food, and catches the falling/spilling feed. Then once every couple of days, I take the feeder out and let them eat what has spilled onto the plate until the plate is clean, then replace the feeder.
Oh good idea!
I made one, inspired by yours-but adding a funnel aspect, and used a block of wood so they wouldn't tip it over and so it was a bit higher.
I wouldn't say it was no waste but better than other chick feeders I had.
Used a quart yogurt container, love the clear top to tell when it needs refilling.

Awesome feeder for dry feed!

Funnel would not work for us, as we give them fermented feed, which is always wet. So the important part of our design was the ability to easily fill it and clean it.
I dump all of my shavings into the compost heap. The older chickens love all of the leftovers. No waste. lol
Really love this idea- I made two as soon as I saw these feeders on this thread. Only problem is that the holes are slightly too big for my less than week old chicks. Came home from the store today to find a chick stuck IN the feeder.
This isn't the first time either. Darn chicks need to grow faster!!!

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Here is my zero waste feed and water setup. Just like Kathleen's my chicks could fit in the holes when I first brought them home. Added some doubled over duct tape as a temp boarder and we were good to go! No gravity feeder element just full so the can eat and since its so big (holes around 75% of the coffee container) we will only have to top off twice a week till they grow more.

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