Chick got toe pecked off!!!

JoJo 95

10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
My ag class has a batch of chicks at school that we ordered last week. One of the japanese bantams I ordered was getting . It is about 3 days old. Anyway, it's acting normal except that I had to move it alone because of the wound. What can I do to fix this if I don't have wound powder or pine tar? Would regular petroleum jelly work. How about unscented baby powder to dry it? I would really appreciate it if someone would help me. Thanks
When I used to work for a vet, we would always tell people if they clipped a toenail too short on a dog baby powder would work as well as quick-stop. Is it his actual toe that is gone, or just the claw/nail? I would try baby powder, unless someone thinks that's a bad idea for some reason. Poor little fella!
I had a chick lose the first joint. It's half nail bed and he caught it on a feeder. It will heal just fine. I didn't find my missing toe tip bird for a few days and by then it had just dried up and was falling off.

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