Chick grit ok for ducks?


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Montgomery County, Ohio
So I bought some grit from TSC since I ran out of my original bag.

This one is labeled Chick Grit, but underneath it says for all classes of poultry. It's also a smaller grit.

Everything else is the same as my origianl grit, just wanted to make sure it was ok to use for my ducks.
I had the same question! On my last bag of feed it was starter/grower that listed which birds could eat it and when. My chickens and ducks were all covered. Today I bought a new bag and it was a different brand. It is also chick starter/grower, but there is no chart listing which birds can eat it. The salesperson said it was for both. As long as it's not medicated, it's fine for ducks, right?
Generally ducklings do fine with chick starter, and some number of ducklings are sensitive to the relatively low levels of niacin, so a sprinkling of brewer's yeast on the food, or 100 to 150 mg niacin per gallon of water can be used, especially if there are any leg or nervous system problems going on.

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