Chick hatched deformed Update pics pg 3

Still alive but no change on his deformity.It is kind of hard and becoming discolored.
I have it in the bator still and it's still moist in there 77 and 100 degrees.He can't poo I know that.There isn't any opening! What do I do?
Have you tried wrapping it's bottom in a warm, damp paper towel? Or maybe a soak in a small cup or container of warm water would help the area soften/open up? I hope he gets better... I know how frustrated and worried you must feel.
Yeah I did try wrapping his bottom in a warm wash cloth for a few minutes and then also soaked it in warm water for a sec.Did seem to help alittle but maybe I should keep doing that.It cried alot when I did it so I thought maybe it was hurting it.I'll keep trying.
Give her time. Rest is important. Keep her warm and in the incubator for another day if need be. Don't put her in the brooder until she is up and doing better. You don't want the other chicks to pick on her.

Good luck to both of you!!!
I agree that you need to keep that area moist so that the chick can absorb or draw that up inside of it's self. If it gets hard and dry, the chick will be less likely to absorb it. And rest is also important.
Is the chick sleepy, or alert? Is it quiet or chirping? As the chick get progresively stronger, it should start to chirp and perk up. And as it gets stronger, it will absorb that sack. Think positive thoughts
Yeah up and active chirping loudly.Has a will to live that's for sure.It's all by itself in the bator so none others can pick on it.I'll keep it moist.Thanks for ya'lls help.Should I put food and water in the bator? I gave it alittle water already but should I put a dish in there?
every time i hatch some chicks i usually get one or two of these i always put them down cause they never make it but if yours is up and walking around then he might make it good luck
Food sounds like a good idea. If the yolk sack was not completely absorbed then it will need the food to make up for what it did not get from the yolk.
Nutrion will also help it gather strength and get well faster.
It is a good sign that the chick is chirping and moving around.
Can you put a dab of Vaseline on the stump to keep it moist when it is absorbing?????? It might not work but figured if he does not stay on the moist towel, figured this would work.

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