chick hospital


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 5, 2013
pleasant view tn
Ok so a Lil back history I have never owned chicks. I have had chickens, help raise chicks, and worked on a Chicken farm. Now I finally got my own Lil flock was sapose to be 6-8 total well many chicks later we have some issues idk how to handle. we bought6 but couldn't get a roo. So we went to another store and bought 3 more not roos either. ( I do know how to sex by wing vent and a few others) I also know they sent 100% all the time. But anyway I was gonna buy one I knew probably wouldn't make it. It was from a feed store. Just to try and help and give it a good few days just incase. Has to be better than living where everyone sits on you. well the lady talked to me and told me the normal he's not gonna live blah blah. I told her I know that was not the point and that I know how to Care for them. So she gave me free of charge 9 chicks. Ok most were just really wet and cold. And now doing fine. One had his vent clogged and now is ok once we helped open it up and he got use of it. But there are 2 idk what is up. One will not open his eyes period he will walk and eat drink ect. But won't open them could she be blind? she is roughly 3 days old.
And the 2nd seemed ok But she drags her right foot. I thought it was her leg but it's the foot. It's not bumble foot. When you pick her up it seems fine she opens it to stand in your hand. And grabs your fingers. But once on her own she can't seem to walk and won't open the foot and kinda hops and drags it along nothing looks wrong. She seems ok otherwise. Plz help if you have any ideas
Ok new update. The one with a hurt foot actually lived. She is doing really well besides not walking on that foot. She walks on the top. And hobbles around. But very lively and she seems quite Content with her self. The eyes did finally open I picked her up last night was gonna wipe her eyes with a cloth. And she looked at me both eyes open all the way. Like I had lost my ever lasting mind. But she still walks around with em shut all the time. she gets around fine. So I'm lost as to why. But one of the Lil batamans think I spelled that wrong. Is not doing well. She was ok last night. But now she is wobbly and looks like she is drunk. Idk if she will make it. She doesn't look or act so k just drunk lol. She eats and walks drinks plays ect. So another loss. But the sad part of the morning. The one who's vent was plugged didn't make it and neither did 2 batamans they we soaking wet when we got them last night someone got them and didn't know a thing about them. Got them home wet and Cold.And brought them back before we checked out. I really wanted them to make it. They road home in my shirt to keep warm after I dried them a bit. There was 3 and one made a almost complete recovery before we got home.
I'll post pics in a min
I'm not a chicken genius but I would just suggest keeping the chicks under a heat lamp, LOTS of food and water, maybe some treats, and lots of love! Make sure they are completely dry also
It won't let load pova idk why but ill keep trying.yeah they are in a separate area from the well chicks a heat lamp food water and checked on regularly. I'm hoping the rest pulls through we have had enough heartbreak this wk. But they all look good so far besides maybe a few birth defects I guess
Ok this is the one with the bum foot. She seems happy but wobbly

What breed do you think she is

And this one perfectly healthy by the way she acts and kids looks except she keeps her head cocked to the right. It's like she can't put it to the left. She runs plays eats drinks ect. But with a kink
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The completely yellow one I'm unsure of the breed but it will be white or golden when older because I have two :) If it grows up pure white it could be an Amber White. I have an amber white but didn't have her as a chick so unsure what the chicks look like. I don't think the bum foot can be fixed, just seems like a birth defect! But if the chicken is healthy and happy otherwise it should be fine. :) But those chicks are very cute!
Also her eyes could be closed because she's just tired and young, or because she's in pain. I currently have a chick who got totally beat up by the other chickens
as seen in picture. And she keeps her eyes closed a lot. Even when standing up and I think it's because she's in pain

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