Chick injured leg


In the Brooder
May 22, 2016
I took a chick home from work on Wednesday that has a leg that he injured on Monday. We think he injured it on the feeder. He hobbles on his good foot and when he does end up using his bad leg he sticks his wing out for balance. The leg is kind of turned out a little and when he is resting he rest on his side with his other leg sticking out behind him. He gets to his water and food easily and is in with 6 other babies. The group that he was in at the store was about 20+ so he is doing better in the smaller group i have at home. He has vitamins, probiotics and electrolytes in his water and is on purina start and grow. I put a bandaid hobble on his legs for splayed legs and also checked his tendons to see if it was out of place and it felt fine. There isn't any kind of swelling either that i can see. The left one is the one effected in the pictures.
It sounds like you are doing everything you can for her.  Injuries can take time to heal, so offering her vitamins containing B2(riboflavin) and possibly limiting her activity may be helpful.

Here some links on leg issues:

Thank you for the links. She is getting around better with the hobbles on. I think the supplement that i got for their water has vitamin B12 in it, it's made specifically for chicks with probiotics, vitamins and electrolytes.
I'm glad she is getting around better with the hobbles.  :)

Keep us posted on her progress.
I will, hopefully this works and it's not anything like a hip dislocation ect. I will change her hobbles tomorrow and see how she does. Never had a chick like this before so i decided to take her home to see what i could do. I ended up with more chicks then i really "wanted" to get this year but oh well!

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